According to Ovum survey almost half of the IT department in enterprises in Asia pacific will invest in big data .
A recent study by Regus in Singapore indicates that 50% of th companies predect the rising important of bussiness social media uo from 47% in the previes 3 year .
Giving this level of focus on big data , it is important to understand the impact of big data in various industries.
Predective Analytics
Traditionally banks have been focusing on data -warehousing for analysis of strutured data that comes through tracsiction system .
Sentiment Analysis
sentiment analysis is just what it appears to be - analysis of user opinion with the rise of social media in times . the impotance of sentiment analysis as a tool for businesses in marketing and sales as increased significantly .
Risk managment
A key factor to understand with respect to loans is the ability to predict with a reasonable degree of proballity the potiential for loan defaults , it is also important to understand the potiential for recovery from mortgages.
credit Histories
This is an axtension of the fraud detection argument for big data Enabling standard credit checks with web behavior analysis predective spends analysis would be very powerfull in specially in casess of loan processing for individuals
Data spread
When analysing social media feeds , it is important to understand the overall spread of data . This would involves both the timelines over which social media exsist for the data being researched as well as all the social media sites. eg
Linkedin could be a better sourse for professionall information about individuals than twitter or facebook,